This Week

The weather is getting colder and I am sure the children were very excited to see the snow over the weekend. Please can I kindly ask you to remember to bring your children’s winter wear. Scarf, hat and gloves are essential, and I would recommend that you layer the children’s clothing to ensure that they…

This Week

After a long break, we were certainly glad to see the children back. It was a mixture of smiles, and the inevitable tears as they got back to the nursery routine. By the end of the week, it was as if we had never had the break away. One of my New Years resolutions is…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all and we hope that you have enjoyed the holidays. A big thank for all your lovely cards and presents which are truly appreciated by us all. 2016 promises to be a productive and fun filled year for us all and we are very excited about our plans with the…